When I left my 18 year career as a medical professional in 2006, I had no idea what I was going to do. I knew I needed to take some time to evaluate my life. Interesting enough, the Universe sent a very special person who saw something in me, I never saw in myself.
In this brief video, I share with you how to “get your shift together” and accomplish anything you set your mind to.
You CAN and you WILL accomplish anything you set you mind to I believe in you…believe in yourself, so others believe in you too.
Blessings & Abundance,
Anne Theriault
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Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]
When I first started understanding the art of manifestation, a completely different world opened up for me. Years ago when I was in a job I disliked, there was no way I would have ever believed in manifesting, nor would I have ever been open to trying it.
In this brief video, I share with you a few personal examples of how I have been able to manifest (pretty much on demand), just about anything in my life.
The first thing you need to do before you can manifest is be open. Stop thinking this is some type of coincidence or “that it doesn’t work.” If you’re not open…it WON’T WORK.
Be grateful & happy about all the little things that surround you. Stop looking for ways to be offended. I cannot express enough, that when you are angry inside…you block out all avenues to creating a better life.
Find peace in your heart. If you are stuck in a dead end job, give The Universe your orders for your dream job.” Then believe, be open and expect it WILL happen. Sometimes The Universe uses other people indirectly to help us. Be open 🙂
Everything in our life comes to us in 2 ways.
First in our thoughts, then it materializes in the psychical world. Remember, this also holds true for what we DON’T want…so chose you thoughts wisely.
Let them always be thoughts or abundance, prosperity, happiness and good health.
Blessings & Abundance,
Anne Theriault
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Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]
Some of you may be thinking, “My problem is that I don’t have enough money, so what’s the point in reading your article or watching your video on money, unless you’re going to tell me how to get more of it? Well, hang in there, because whether you have money or not, you still have a very powerful relationship with money that can have a tremendous impact on your everyday life.
This quick video explains what I mean:
Some people are pre-programmed to having various subconscious thoughts about money. For example, if your parents fought about money when you were a child, you may view money as a source of conflict. Religious beliefs and spending habits you were exposed to in your childhood may also play a part in how you view money.
As with any other habit or programmed belief, it will take time and practiceto shift your thinking about money and your relationship with it.
So the next time you write that check, or send that bill, be grateful and thank The Universe for the ability to do so. This isn’t voodoo…this is simply EXACTLY how the Universe responds to our thoughts.
Start appreciating what you DO have and The Universe will flood your life with more. 🙂
Blessings & Abundance,
Anne Theriault
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Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]
Successful people often shine with self confidence—it’s obvious that they believe in themselves and what they’re doing. Kinda like the “chicken and the egg scenario.” Which came first?
It isn’t their success that makes them so confident. The confidence was there first. The only person stopping you from what you want to accomplish is yourself.
In this quick video, I share with you a few tips to help you build your self confidence and remove that barrier of self-doubt, preventing you from building the self confidence and self esteem you yearn for and deserve.
Stop Worrying About What Others Say – Those who dwell on and worry about what others will think of them, are halting themselves from success. If you really wish to boost your self confidence, have faith in your capabilities and show the world that you are a leader.
Self-esteem is not something we inherit. It’s just like any other skill, you need to learn about it and work on it, until you excel at it.
Stop criticizing yourself. Smile often. Be positive. Set small goals. Engage in conversation with people who lift you up. Ditch the naysayers.
Don’t underestimate yourself no matter what you’re feeling. If you convince yourself that you’re not good at anything, then no one will ever think you are. On the other hand, if you believe in your thoughts and ideas, you will earn people’s respect as well as your own self-respect.
Take care of yourself: People who dress nice…feel more confident. People who look good, feel good. Try to tweak your appearance a bit more when taking on self-confidence. A new haircut, or a new outfit are all ways to change the way you look and feel.
It is a trickle-down effect.
In the words of the late Mary Kay Ash…
Remember..You are full of potential and worthy of all good things. Go after what you want for yourself.
I believe in you 🙂
Blessings & Abundance,
Anne Theriault
Please share this post on Facebook if you got value and think it would help someone.
Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]
I was asked a very legit question the other day. A business partner of mine asked me “Anne, since you’ve been working online, how many times have you been scammed?”
My answer was “Zero.”
In the video that follows, I share with you 3 Tips You Can Use To Potentially Avoid Being Scammed Online.
What I share isn’t fool proof, but it has certainly always proven to help me work with people who are legit and full of integrity.
Since 2009, I can count how many business opportunities I have done on 1 hand. I am very particular and thorough as to who I work with, and they must have strong moral principles and good relationships with other people.
As I stated in the video. People don’t join businesses, people join people. This is something that all professionals know to be true.
Please share this post on Facebook if you got value and think it would help someone.
Blessings & Abundance,
Anne Theriault
Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]