Tag Archives: personal growth

A Simple And Very Effective Catalyst For Strategic Success In 2024

Anne Theriault new years resolutions help With a new year upon us, folks everywhere are making all sorts of “New Year’s Resolutions” or “Wish Lists.” Subconsciously, we all see the new calendar and think of January 1st every year as a Fresh Start or a New Beginning.

Why can’t EVERY day be a fresh start?

It’s a well known fact that by the 15th of January…folks who haven’t made any progress with their resolutions have quit altogether.

So how do you break the cycle of broken resolutions?

What’s the alternative?

Let me take you back to 2006.

When I left my 18 year career as a medical professional in 2006, I had no idea what I was going to do. I knew I needed to take some time to evaluate my life. Interesting enough, the Universe sent a very special person who saw something in me, I never saw in myself.

In this brief video, I share with you how to accomplish anything you set your mind to by simply using this very effective mindset strategy.

When choosing a New Year’s resolution, be certain it is something that is Pulling you, as opposed to Pushing you.

Have you resolved to go to the gym every day, but when you think about going, you dread it and you find an excuse not to?

Have you resolved to give up sugar but whenever you see cheesecake you just have to have it?

These are examples of resolutions that are “PUSHING” you to do something. Push requires willpower and willpower never lasts.

What you need is something that will PULL you, to DO better, and to BE better.

Choose something that gets you so excited you cannot sleep. This is something that becomes a part of your every day practice.

It’s your passion…it becomes part of your essence.

It has to be something so compelling that you know it’s going to be a gift when it happens. You also have to have strong enough reasons to continue and follow through when the going gets tough.

It becomes part of your every day focus & vision. Perhaps not as easy to accomplish, but once you gain momentum and make progress you are more likely to stick with it.

Is it to quit your job and finally have an alternative income that allows you more time freedom with your family?

Let me give you an example of what happened to me a few times.

As many of you know, I have been making a full time income online since 2009. In those first few years when I may have slacked off, money became scarce. Working from home can make you complacent, as you don’t have a boss watching over you constantly. You need to be self motivated.

The thought of going back to a “real job,” punching a clock, and having a boss analyzing my every move scared me more than anything I could ever imagine. Just the thought of waking up to a SCREAMING alarm clock put me into a panic. I immediately put things back into HIGH GEAR and crushed my online business.

These are the resolutions you need to be making. Make a resolution with such a clear vision it wakes you up in the middle of the night, eager for daylight so you can get right to work on whatever it is you hunger for.

So find something that PULLS you, create a vision, believe in yourself, take action, see results, review it every day and I guarantee the cycle of “Broken” New Year’s Resolutions will cease to exist.

You are a unique and amazing person my friend. You are blessed with many talents and gifts to share with the world.

My wish for you is to be that person – The World is waiting for your greatness. ?

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault

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How To Hit The “Reset” On Your Mindset


Do you feel “stuck, unhappy or trapped” in your current situation? Have you thought of making a change in your life but are consumed with fear and self doubt?

In this brief video, I share my personal perspective on how I figured out the behaviors that limited me in the past and those that have led me to my current success.



Many times we let the self chatter and inner voices take over, preventing us from even trying something new. We are all born with the same unlimited potential. The only difference is some people strive to unleash it, while others feel comfortable living with the status quo.

The fact is, no matter where you are in life or where you came from, you’ve got the ability to set big goals and achieve them.

We live in a skill-set driven society that emphasizes learning new skills and improving the ones we’re weakest at. This often fosters the belief that we need more education in order to achieve our goals. Some people go back to school, others take seminars and workshops or read books, always looking for that silver bullet skill-set that will make everything fall into place.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not downplaying the value of skill-sets; but more often THAN NOT, it’s our mindsets that need adjustment.

Changing your mindset takes work because formed habits aren’t easy to break. This is especially true since many of our most harmful habits and counter-mindsets were established when we were kids, and we’ve been doing things the same way ever since.

Give yourself permission to fail. It will take the pressure off getting a perfect end result.

Remember, changing your mindset doesn’t happen by accident. It happens by choice. 🙂




Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault

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A Tribute To Dr. Wayne Dyer

dr-wayne-w-dyer     As many of you may know, on August 30th, the World lost an incredible man. Dr. Wayne Dyer was a motivational speaker, teacher, forward thinker, mentor, best selling author, and a pioneer in self development. I have followed Dr. Dyer for many years, read many of his books, and have used his manifesting techniques in my life time and time again…to co-create my life “my way.”

If you know Dr. Dyer’s history, you know he overcame and faced many set-backs in his life “head on.” From growing up in foster homes to battling addictions and healing himself of leukemia.

Last night in Orlando Florida, Dr. Dyer had been scheduled to speak about his new book set to be released in October, called “Memories Of Heaven.”

Hayhouse released the recording this morning.  I just finished watching it, and it is an incredible tribute to a man who impacted so many lives around the World.



Regardless of your past or present circumstances, NEVER doubt your ability to make a difference in someone’s life.

Rest easy Dr. Dyer…and thank you for your teachings and for impacting my life.


Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault


Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]

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Attention Goes Where Energy Flows

VID01531     Everything in our lives happens in two forms. First in our thoughts, and secondly in our physical reality. The manner in which we think is a choice. You can choose happiness, or you can choose negativity and drama. Learning to “train your brain” to think differently will change everything that happens TO YOU and FOR YOU.

You can create new realities in your life. You can bring things into your life simply by shifting your attention. Begin by directing your thoughts and your energy to what you DO want.

When you place your attention on what you want, reality cannot help but conform.


Many of us don’t realize that creating positive change (or manifesting) is directly correlated  with what is in the mind and the heart.

If we really want to create a change, our first line of action must be to accept responsibility for our part in what our current conditions are. This is not taking the blame. It is merely accepting that we’re participating in creating and maintaining the way things are through how we think… and what we think.

Visualize the life you desire, write down your “prescription to the Universe,” take the actions necessary to achieve that life and the Universe with deliver.

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault


My mentor and friend Ray Higdon’s course The Power Mind was the precursor and initial step that actually allowed me to train my brain to think differently and completely transformed my life 🙂

Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]

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