Very Common Questions About Trading & Money


question mark with speech bubles, vector on the abstract background

Hi Folks, this is a video I posted a while ago and I felt it was time to post it again as I continue to receive so many questions about trading, money, mental discipline.

You are not alone with so many questions. Trading in itself is not difficult. The mental discipline and proper money management is one of the most difficult concepts for traders.

Persistence is KEY when trading. If you trade for a few days, take a week off, trade for a week, then take a month off…you will not be successful. Practice every chance you get. Turn off the TV. Put the cell phone away. An important part of being persistent is self-sacrifice, which is the willingness to postpone current enjoyment for future benefits. When I first started online in 2009, I ditched the TV for about a year. I didn’t date, I didn’t travel…I immersed myself in online education and perfected my craft. I learned as much as I could in order to establish myself for where I am now.

The action takers are the ones who reap the benefits. Trading is fun and once you begin to see profits, you will look back and be very proud of yourself for making the sacrifices you did in order to get there.

I hope this video helps.

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault


** If you are a new trader, and are interested in learning the strategies I use to keep me in profit every day, please check out my Binary Options Trading Courses **

If you are looking for a reliable broker paying up to 90% per winning trade, no withdrawal fees and quick 48hr withdrawal time from you broker acct to your bank… check out Marketsworld

Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]

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URGENT ~ Think or Swim (TOS) Time Delay Implemented Recently

~~ A heartfelt “Thank You!” to my community of heart-minded souls for your offerings that support this page in remaining 100% FREE. May your kindness magnify & return to you multiplied many fold! ~~

urgentIF YOU ARE A TRADER:   TD Ameritrade has recently changed the “REAL” time on their Free Paper Money application. They have implemented a 20 minute time delay for those who are simply using paper money and not an active live account.

If you use TOS charts  for trading…it is IMPERATIVE & TIME-SENSITIVE you follow the directions in this video to have them fix the time for you ASAP, otherwise you will absolutely without a doubt lose $$.



Remember to trade with your head…not your emotions 🙂

*** If you don’t have a Solid Binary Options trading plan or strategy and you’d like to become a student of mine you can do so by enrolling in one my Trading Courses and get full support from me. Click here for more info.    

Enter coupon code: money

to save $10 off either product!

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Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault

Please share this post on Facebook if you got value and think it would help other traders.


Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]

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Your Ego Is Not Your Amigo

    f87806d57ca56330d5728bad50c38dc6You’re sick of your mundane life. One day you decide things have to change. You analyze your goals and ambitions and have determined the positive changes you want to make to get out of the rat race. These changes are going to have such a huge positive impact for yourself and for your family. You can envision it…life is going to be great! And then…. something seems to get in the way. Could it be that fear factor…or perhaps it’s your ego?

You’re probably saying to yourself, “I don’t have an ego problem Anne…I’m the most humble person I know.”

That’s how YOU may perceive it, and maybe that’s really true. I’m not talking about a cocky ego. I’m referring to your internal ego.

Let’s step outside the box for a minute and look at the reasons other folks may perceive those who fear change, and are afraid to step out of their comfort zone as a weak person who is allowing their ego to get in the way of their dreams and successes.

Fear has a way of injecting psychological toxins into our subconscious that acts like a handcuff, restraining our ability to achieve our goals. Although the fear may only be perceived, it seems so real. This perceived fear plays games with our minds, robbing us of any rational thoughts we need to cherish in order to move ahead.

There are so many folks in this world with huge talent and untapped potential that spend a lot of time complaining about their circumstances but rarely devote any time or energy to making themselves a better person or trying something “uncomfortable” and new.

Where The Ego Steps In

At one point in your life, I’m sure you’ve come up with a great idea for a new business, new product or maybe even a new venture. You will think about it and think about it, and think about it some more. The problem is, you never act on that great idea. Why not? This is where your ego gets in the way. You fear failure and are afraid folks will think less of you if your new idea is a failure. I hate to break the news to you…but that my friend is your ego getting in the way of your success.

~ “If you never try something new due to fear of failure…you have already failed.”~

Were you aware that J.K. Rowling submitted her manuscript for her Harry Potter Novel to 12 different publishing houses and was rejected by all of them? If she hadn’t tried one more time and submitted her manuscript to the 13th publisher, she wouldn’t be worth billions of  dollars today. She looked adversity right in the face and kept going.

Thomas Edison failed 1000 times at inventing the light bulb until he finally found a design that worked.

Stephen King’s first book Carrie was rejected 300 times before it was finally published…the rest is history.

Other ways folks let their ego limit their success may be:

  • Not asking questions about something they don’t understand
  • Allowing other people’s perceptions of them limit their ability
  • Fear of rejection
  • Fear of change

Overcoming Fear

Fear is a normal emotion. We all experience it at one point in our lives. The problem is when we allow fear to stand in the way of our success and let it erode our lives. At this point, fear becomes toxic and debilitating. You must learn to overcome fear and discard this albatross that sabotages your ability to achieve your goals.

Positive self-talk is a superior way to reinforce confidence and diminish fear. Giving positive self-affirmations is a form of self-conditioning that replaces the doubts lodged in the subconscious. Remind yourself that “you can” achieve anything you set your mind to.

Most importantly, take action. Don’t just sit around hoping, thinking and planning forever, or waiting for the right time to act. The best time to start is today. Ditch the excuses and negative self talk and head trash. Figure out what you’re good at and make that move right now. The best way to overcome fear is by being proactive. With each effort your level of self confidence increases.

Don’t allow your ego to steal your dreams and create a roadblock to your success. It’s not really a big deal if you fail…those who never fail, are those who never try.

** What if you DO succeed and are able to make people’s lives better and brighter because you stepped out of your comfort zone, looked fear in the face, fought adversity and won…

Imagine just how abundant and fulfilling your life would become then.

Something to ponder…

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault

Please share this post on Facebook if you got value and think it would help someone.

Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]

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Trading Resources & Brief JAFX Update

trading resources     Today’s post was prompted by a few messages I received from a few folks asking me…”Anne, are you still trading?”

Apparently the personal growth and business building blog posts I have been doing for the past few weeks have thrown some people off. 🙂

In the video that follows, I explain exactly where I am with trading, where I’m going with my business and my plans for the (not so distant) future.

I also share all the resources you need to begin trading, learn new strategies, or to simply refresh your memory on things about trading you may have forgotten.

Someone asked me a few weeks ago…

“Hey Anne, do you have a full plate or are you open to looking at a business opportunity?”

My answer was simple…

“No, I don’t have a full plate and that’s exactly how I like it. I’ve worked my keister off to get to this point, so I’m gonna pass. Thanks though” 🙂

As I stated in the video, my handwriting is atrocious, so here are clickable links to make things easier for you. You can also click on the corresponding banners to the right of this video, and they will take you directly there.

Subscribe To My You Tube Channel

Binary Trading Bootcamp For Beginners

Binary Trading Strategies Unleashed

John Anthony Auto Forex

If you are interested in reviewing Ray Higdon’s course I mentioned in the video that completely transformed my entire mindset  The Power Mind…, it may just be the simple catalyst you need to break down any type of barrier holding you back from achieving success in business, or your personal life.

Also, if you want more information of exactly what John Anthony Auto-Forex entails…I have done 2 separate power-point videos explaining everything in detail.

Here are the links to those posts.

  1. John Anthony Auto-Forex Is Here

  2. John Anthony Auto Forex Questions and Bonuses


I sincerely hope all of these resources are helpful to you in one form or another. I will be posting updates on John Anthony Auto-Forex as soon as they become available.

Keep shining your light, persevere and hold that vision you want for yourself. 🙂

It’s not a matter of IF…you will get there. You will.

The Universe rewards those who never give up on themselves. If you give up, you are telling your naysayers they were right all along.



Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault

Please share this post on Facebook if you got value and think it would help someone.

If you are looking for a reliable broker paying up to 90% per winning trade, no withdrawal fees and quick 48hr withdrawal time from you broker acct to your bank… check out Marketsworld

Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]

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For 18 Years I Threw $20 Out The Window Every Day

      slash taxes  I’m not a financial planner, an accountant, nor am I an expert on economics. So why should you listen to me? You don’t have to, but chances are you and I have a lot in common. Are you being strangled by taxes? Are you getting tired of more than half of your wages being pulled from your paycheck in one form or another?

I’m just a farm girl born and raised in Northern Maine. After I graduated from High School, I continued my education at The University of Maine and received my Bachelor’s degree in Medical Technology. For 18 years, I worked at the local Medical Center, punching a clock, trading dollars for hours. I had a Job. It paid the bills and things were pretty good.

One day in 2006 I had what Oprah likes to call an “Aha moment.” A moment of clarity and wisdom that hits you from out of nowhere. A defining moment that causes you to change the way you look at things, and the way you are living your life.

My “Aha moment” came in through the back door, so to speak. A close friend of mine was working from home and she said one thing to me that to this day I will never forget. I had asked her why she chose to work from home instead of getting a “real job” like I had. This was her answer…

“When you have a job, you pay the government First, and if there is anything leftover, you get to pay your bills. When you own a home based business, you pay your bills First, if there is anything left…you pay the government.”

Let that sink in.

Suddenly things became very clear. Every single day for 18 years, I had basically been throwing $20 out the window, by not taking advantage of tax breaks provided by the government, by owning my own business. My aha moment hit me like a ton of bricks…and I made the changes necessary to stop feeding Uncle Sam the hard earned money that would eventually become rightfully mine.

According to Dr. Ron Mueller (America’s leading expert on home business tax law), home based business owners actually qualify for more tax deductions than any other category of taxpayer in America. Whether you are a full time home based business owner, or you chose to build a home based business on a part time basis, your taxes will be slashed…compliments of Uncle Sam. You can write off amenities such as utilities, cell phone charges, tools, training materials, fuel, internet, part of your mortgage and property tax, air travel and vacations and even food.

It’s your right and it’s the law.

Now I’m not trying to convince anyone to quit their job because a lot of folks really love their jobs and they are good at it. I’m only trying to educate you and perhaps give you that “aha moment” my friend gave me back in 2006 that literally changed my life…personally, professionally and financially.

If you’re looking to begin saving money and are ready to stop lining Uncle Sam’s pockets, you may want to consider all the tax advantages of building a business from home. This could involve creating your own products, trading, or any other type of business you do working from home.

Many folks start on a very part time basis and continue with their regular job. Home based businesses have a very low start up cost. For the price of an iPad or an iPhone…you can own your own business and start hitting Uncle Sam where he’s been hitting you all these years…

Right in the wallet.

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault

Please share this post on Facebook if you got value and think it would help someone.

Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]

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