You’re sick of your mundane life. One day you decide things have to change. You analyze your goals and ambitions and have determined the positive changes you want to make to get out of the rat race. These changes are going to have such a huge positive impact for yourself and for your family. You can envision it…life is going to be great! And then…. something seems to get in the way. Could it be that fear factor…or perhaps it’s your ego?
You’re probably saying to yourself, “I don’t have an ego problem Anne…I’m the most humble person I know.”
That’s how YOU may perceive it, and maybe that’s really true. I’m not talking about a cocky ego. I’m referring to your internal ego.
Let’s step outside the box for a minute and look at the reasons other folks may perceive those who fear change, and are afraid to step out of their comfort zone as a weak person who is allowing their ego to get in the way of their dreams and successes.
Fear has a way of injecting psychological toxins into our subconscious that acts like a handcuff, restraining our ability to achieve our goals. Although the fear may only be perceived, it seems so real. This perceived fear plays games with our minds, robbing us of any rational thoughts we need to cherish in order to move ahead.
There are so many folks in this world with huge talent and untapped potential that spend a lot of time complaining about their circumstances but rarely devote any time or energy to making themselves a better person or trying something “uncomfortable” and new.
Where The Ego Steps In
At one point in your life, I’m sure you’ve come up with a great idea for a new business, new product or maybe even a new venture. You will think about it and think about it, and think about it some more. The problem is, you never act on that great idea. Why not? This is where your ego gets in the way. You fear failure and are afraid folks will think less of you if your new idea is a failure. I hate to break the news to you…but that my friend is your ego getting in the way of your success.
~ “If you never try something new due to fear of failure…you have already failed.”~
Were you aware that J.K. Rowling submitted her manuscript for her Harry Potter Novel to 12 different publishing houses and was rejected by all of them? If she hadn’t tried one more time and submitted her manuscript to the 13th publisher, she wouldn’t be worth billions of dollars today. She looked adversity right in the face and kept going.
Thomas Edison failed 1000 times at inventing the light bulb until he finally found a design that worked.
Stephen King’s first book Carrie was rejected 300 times before it was finally published…the rest is history.
Other ways folks let their ego limit their success may be:
- Not asking questions about something they don’t understand
- Allowing other people’s perceptions of them limit their ability
- Fear of rejection
- Fear of change
Overcoming Fear
Fear is a normal emotion. We all experience it at one point in our lives. The problem is when we allow fear to stand in the way of our success and let it erode our lives. At this point, fear becomes toxic and debilitating. You must learn to overcome fear and discard this albatross that sabotages your ability to achieve your goals.
Positive self-talk is a superior way to reinforce confidence and diminish fear. Giving positive self-affirmations is a form of self-conditioning that replaces the doubts lodged in the subconscious. Remind yourself that “you can” achieve anything you set your mind to.
Most importantly, take action. Don’t just sit around hoping, thinking and planning forever, or waiting for the right time to act. The best time to start is today. Ditch the excuses and negative self talk and head trash. Figure out what you’re good at and make that move right now. The best way to overcome fear is by being proactive. With each effort your level of self confidence increases.
Don’t allow your ego to steal your dreams and create a roadblock to your success. It’s not really a big deal if you fail…those who never fail, are those who never try.
** What if you DO succeed and are able to make people’s lives better and brighter because you stepped out of your comfort zone, looked fear in the face, fought adversity and won…
Imagine just how abundant and fulfilling your life would become then.
Something to ponder…
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