~~ A heartfelt “Thank You!” to my community of heart-minded souls for your offerings that support this page in remaining 100% FREE. May your kindness magnify & return to you multiplied many fold! ~~
IF YOU ARE A TRADER: TD Ameritrade has recently changed the “REAL” time on their Free Paper Money application. They have implemented a 20 minute time delay for those who are simply using paper money and not an active live account.
If you use TOS charts for trading…it is IMPERATIVE & TIME-SENSITIVE you follow the directions in this video to have them fix the time for you ASAP, otherwise you will absolutely without a doubt lose $$.
Remember to trade with your head…not your emotions 🙂
*** If you don’t have a Solid Binary Options trading plan or strategy and you’d like to become a student of mine you can do so by enrolling in one my Trading Courses and get full support from me. Click here for more info.
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to save $10 off either product!
Blessings & Abundance,
Anne Theriault
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