Category Archives: Personal Growth

Setting Intention To Attract The Life You Desire And Deserve


       2014-12-31-meem2Every morning as soon as I wake up, I set my intention for the day. It’s like writing a prescription to the Universe. I tell the Universe “Today is going to be amazing, and I am grateful for your guidance.”

Everyone, everywhere… faces challenges in their lifetime, in one form or another. How we deal with, or react to those challenges can be different for everyone. I do believe, and I have learned, that dwelling on what we DO want, as opposed to what we currently have or DON’T want… makes an incredible difference in the end result.

I am a powerful believer in the Law of Attraction and how thoughts dictate our situations and the direction our lives take us. My life would not be so abundantly blessed and incredible, if I had not followed my instincts or my “gut” to lead me to the amazing place I am today.

Focusing On What You Do Want

Crafting what you want through visualization is the first step and is SO very important. No matter how dark your days are and how discouraged you’ve become, whether it be with finances, relationships, or your spirit. ALWAYS visualize what you DO want your life to be. Never allow your circumstances to influence or dictate your thoughts or your actions… no matter how dire or dismal they may be.

Constantly saying “I’m broke,” will continuously take you down the path of being broke.

Thinking “I’ll never be a success” will sabotage you, and discourage you from taking the actions necessary to become successful.

Instead of thinking of your current situation, start saying “Thank you for my Abundance.” I am so grateful for my Success.”

Believe it or not… The Universe will respond accordingly.

Set Your Intention Of Where You DO Want Your Life To Go

“Attention Goes Where Energy Flows”

Stop focusing on what you don’t want in your life, and replace it with the thoughts and things you DO want to have in your life… and the direction you want it to take. All too often we focus on what others have, their success, etc. STOP focusing on what you are lacking. Instead, fill and channel your thoughts with what you DO want in your life.

Your Brain Is Like A Muscle

Training yourself to think in a positive manner is like training a muscle. It takes hard work, perseverance, patience and practice. That muscle becomes stronger. It becomes resistant to weakness. Eventually, the thoughts of what you DON’T want, are replaced with the thoughts of what you truly desire and crave.

Consistent and constant diligent thinking of what you DO want, eventually trains your brain to continuously craft the proper thoughts to reach the vision you have created for your life.

You can create incantations or affirmations to “train your brain” to think differently. It will eventually override that default of mediocrity that is sabotaging your thoughts and the lifestyle you want and deserve.

You CAN have everything you want and EVERYTHING you desire, for yourself and for your family, by channeling your energy to it’s rightful place.

If you do not have the level of abundance, the level of relationships, the level of happiness in your life… it’s NOT because of your childhood, the economy or any other outside influence.

It’s the way you think, the direction of your energy, and the actions you take on a daily basis.

Self chatter and negative thoughts are, and will always be your worst enemy… if you allow them to be.

Your mind is SO very POWERFUL, and can take you places you never dreamed possible.

Train it, hold onto your visions and watch as The Universe unfolds and respond accordingly.

When you live your life with abundant thoughts, gratitude and purpose, you will find fulfillment, prosperity, and happiness in every area of your life. You will recognize there is an overflow of true blessings which you can freely share with others… to inspire them ~

My wish for you is to be that person – They World is waiting for you…

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault

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Haters, Energy, Money & Success


A few days ago I received a private message from someone on Facebook who just started bashing me for no reason. I was taken a back for a minute as I strive to run my online business with integrity and honesty.

I could see right through this young man’s anger and offered to help. Learning to disregard these types of haters and naysayers requires a certain mindset.

This quick video will help you understand when you are angry or envious of someone elses success, the Universe interprets those thoughts and energy that YOU DON’T WANT SUCCESS..and so it will not open any doors for you.


We all have the ability to choose. You can be a “victim”…or a “victor.”

The choice is yours.

Choose your thoughts carefully, as they always create your reality.

Please share this post on Facebook or Twitter if you think it may help someone.


Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault


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Feeling “Stuck?” How To Follow Your Bliss & Be A Happier Person


How many of you at one time or another have felt like you were “stuck” or in a rut? We’ve all felt that way and for many folks, the future can seem dismal and at some times, discouraging and defeating.

I wanted to share a quick story with you in the hopes that if you are feeling this way, perhaps it will give you a different perspective and understand you can have a happier life…

it simply has to begin with you.


Taking time to reflect, and making conscious steps to make your life happier, really does work.

Immerse yourself in self development and personal growth.

Create a vision of where you see yourself at your happiest.

Take action, whether is be MASSIVE action, or baby steps…simply put in the effort.

Believe in yourself…I believe in you!

You were born to do great things 🙂


Please comment below and share this post if you think it may help another person.

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault


P.S. For a VERY limited time, my binary options trading course is being offered at a discount.  You can get all the details here.

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Learn How To Live With More Peace, Purpose & Wisdom


If you were to describe your life at the moment, how many of us would use the word “busy.”
How many of you have never ending ‘to-do’ lists? If someone asks you how you are – How
many of you would reply “Good….but busy.”

Why are we so obsessed with packing our schedules, thinking a mile a minute, rushing around with no time to stop and smell the roses?

There is an obsession with needing to do something all of the time, a cultural badge of honor.

It’s not unusual to wake up and scroll through your feeds before even saying “Good morning’” to the person lying next to you, or checking in with yourself.

As a society we have never worked more hours in a week than we do now; we have never
pushed ourselves so hard. Our list of things ‘to do’ never ends – it just keeps getting bigger. And…are we happier for it?

When was the last time you just sat and did nothing? Reflected? Took time out for yourself just to “be’?”

If this resonates with you or you’ve ever found yourself feeling stuck in cycles of stress,
dissatisfaction and discontent, or unsure how to simply relax and find some inner peace, then the practice of mindfulness is for you.

Mindfulness is the art of living in the moment, rather than 2 minutes ahead or 2 weeks
behind. This style of thinking allows you to wholly experience everything in your life; taking time to focus on the present. The benefits don’t stop there. It’s also been found to reduce cortisol (the stress hormone), it allows you to handle stress better, and more recently, “mindful eating” has been linked to weight loss.

So, how can I get involved?

Melli O’Brien, of, presents The Mindfulness Summit; 31 Days of
Mindfulness a FREE 31-day online summit this October 1-31st designed to bring mindfulness
to everyone, giving you the opportunity to learn mindfulness from the comfort of your own home, from some of the world’s most respected teachers.

The Mindfulness Summit is a not-for-profit project, with a mission to make mindfulness
mainstream. The summit aims to create a global community of people bringing mindfulness into their lives, while making a positive impact on the lives of others.

Over the month of October, for 31 days you’ll be invited to listen to 31 world renowned
mindfulness experts speak on sharing their
knowledge and wisdom with you all.

Join speakers including Ruby Wax, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach and Joseph Goldstein as they share their tips, stories and some of the best ways to incorporate mindfulness into your life.

As part of the 31 days of mindfulness, they will also be sharing their best tips for mindfulness, wellness and meditation, as well as setting small challenges for you throughout the month – and these are all designed to be easy, accessible, and something you can slip into your daily routine.

You will learn how to transform your inner world to a place of wholeness and ease, handling
life’s challenges with more wisdom and skill. By the end of the summit you will have learned how to integrate mindfulness more fully into daily life.

Stop being ‘busy’ for the sake of being busy.

Be still. Recharge. Re-engage.

Your mindfulness journey starts now.

Looking forward to seeing you on the inside! 🙂

Register Here For Free

The Mindfulness Summit

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault


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A Tribute To Dr. Wayne Dyer

dr-wayne-w-dyer     As many of you may know, on August 30th, the World lost an incredible man. Dr. Wayne Dyer was a motivational speaker, teacher, forward thinker, mentor, best selling author, and a pioneer in self development. I have followed Dr. Dyer for many years, read many of his books, and have used his manifesting techniques in my life time and time again…to co-create my life “my way.”

If you know Dr. Dyer’s history, you know he overcame and faced many set-backs in his life “head on.” From growing up in foster homes to battling addictions and healing himself of leukemia.

Last night in Orlando Florida, Dr. Dyer had been scheduled to speak about his new book set to be released in October, called “Memories Of Heaven.”

Hayhouse released the recording this morning.  I just finished watching it, and it is an incredible tribute to a man who impacted so many lives around the World.



Regardless of your past or present circumstances, NEVER doubt your ability to make a difference in someone’s life.

Rest easy Dr. Dyer…and thank you for your teachings and for impacting my life.


Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault


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