As many of you may know, on August 30th, the World lost an incredible man. Dr. Wayne Dyer was a motivational speaker, teacher, forward thinker, mentor, best selling author, and a pioneer in self development. I have followed Dr. Dyer for many years, read many of his books, and have used his manifesting techniques in my life time and time again…to co-create my life “my way.”
If you know Dr. Dyer’s history, you know he overcame and faced many set-backs in his life “head on.” From growing up in foster homes to battling addictions and healing himself of leukemia.
Last night in Orlando Florida, Dr. Dyer had been scheduled to speak about his new book set to be released in October, called “Memories Of Heaven.”
Hayhouse released the recording this morning. I just finished watching it, and it is an incredible tribute to a man who impacted so many lives around the World.
Regardless of your past or present circumstances, NEVER doubt your ability to make a difference in someone’s life.
Rest easy Dr. Dyer…and thank you for your teachings and for impacting my life.
Blessings & Abundance,
Anne Theriault
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