With the New Year Just a few days away, people everywhere are thinking of changes or resolutions they want to make their lives better in 2017.
As the year comes to a close, I wanted to share a personal story with you, in the hopes that it may help you achieve your greatest desire in 2017.
FIRST, You need to understand and identify your Core Desire.
What is a core desire?
Core Desires are those things you want with all your heart. They are deep, intense, and powerful longings. They are persistent, ever- demanding, heartfelt hungers or yearnings that pierce you to the very core. One easy way to identify them is that they are always tied to a very strong emotion in your heart.
In 2006 I discovered my core desire in the simplest way possible. I simply looked in the mirror one day and it was staring me in the face.
It’s called…Pain.
Pain that is so great you are willing to do or sacrifice anything that will alleviate the agony. Although I had a good career as a medical professional, there was an intense and painful burning in my soul when I got up every morning to go to work.
I wanted more for myself. There was something missing. I wanted to be able to make a difference, to be free of the frustration that came with punching a time clock.
August 1st, 2006 I took a leap of faith and walked away from my 18 career without a plan. I was finally free and my heart was happy again. That was a very good day.
I was reconnected with one of my dearest High School friends shortly after. As we enjoyed each others company over a 3 hour lunch, she asked me a question that took me back to a place that psychologically, I have avoided to revisit.
She said “Anne, what made you decide to leave your career at the hospital and start your own business?”
Truth be told, I left for countless reasons. If I were asked to pin down the deciding factor, it would be that I didn’t like the person I had allowed myself to become. I couldn’t stand to look at myself in the mirror every day, knowing I had permitted myself to get to such a point.
Along with the tremendous support of my family, and a very special person who entered my life at that tumultuous time, I gained the courage to leave my job, and make the necessary changes, which commenced the amazing journey of taking me to the place I am today. I had people who believed in me…even when I didn’t believe in myself.
“What you get by reaching your goals, is not nearly as important as the person you become by reaching them.” ~ Zig Ziglar
But…this post is not about me…it’s about you. It’s about helping you determine if what you aspire for yourself and for your future, supersedes any obstacles you will encounter on your journey.
First you must ask yourself these 5 simple words…”What Is My Core Desire?”
Is it to Retire at an early age?
Maybe you want to see all that our beautiful World has to offer…
Perhaps you’re waiting for the day you can “Fire Your Boss.”
Is it that you never again, want to be revolted by the person looking back at you in the mirror every day?
Whatever your Core desire is, it will be your #1 reason to succeed. Your Core desire will be the reason you fly out of bed in the morning, not wanting to waste another minute of a brand new day. Your daily decisions will be based on your Core desire. Your Core desire will consume every part of who you are, and what you become.
I took many chances and sacrificed more things than I allow myself to admit. I traveled, or I didn’t travel, I dated or I didn’t date…based on my Core desire. I made decisions such as selling personal possessions in order to invest in myself, with things such as self-education, and books on personal growth. I discarded lifelong friendships whose only contribution to my life at that point had been a daily dose of their negative energy. My Core desire dominated my life with a sense of urgency. My focus and energy became so intense, it dominated my every thought and my every action.
My Core desire won out over everything else…and made the difference between success and failure.
So if you have any doubts and are still wondering if you have what it takes to reach your Core desire, just ask yourself if you are willing to sacrifice, or not to sacrifice, to change, or not to change those stable, cozy and comfortable aspects of your everyday life.
And if you need someone to believe in you, I believe in you…
There isn’t any doubt, that each and every one of us possesses a Core desire. The doubt lies in whether we are willing to change our lives and ourselves… to attain them.
You are a unique and amazing person my friend. You are blessed with many talents and gifts to share with the world.
My wish for you is to be that person – The World is waiting for your greatness. 🙂
Blessings & Abundance,
Anne Theriault
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