Tag Archives: online business

~ What I Say When Folks Ask Me To Pay For Their “Buy In” To A Business ~

the-value-of-money Every once in a while I get an e-mail or private message on Facebook and the person asks me “if I can pay for their buy in to a certain business.” I used to just ignore these messages, but recently I finally decided to respond.


In this brief video, I share with you what I tell these folks when they ask me to Pay for their business.


Hearing things from people like “it’s not fair,” “I’m so broke”…only makes you a victim of your circumstances. Get off your duff and do something about it. There’s plenty of abundance to go around. You just need to open your eyes, wake up and take action!

Abundance is your birthright. Stop playing the victim, as the Universe does not help those who don’t help themselves.



Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault

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