I hope you are looking forward to an exciting & prosperous 2017 as much as I am. Each year brings new challenges, but it also brings along new opportunities if we are open to seeing them. Many people focus too much on “can I do this?”…as opposed to “I CAN DO THIS.”
I teach folks every day and the one thing I notice between the folks that succeed, and those that fail…is mental attitude.
If you think your life stinks, it probably does. If you think the world is out to get you, it probably is. If you think you deserve more, you probably do.
See, most people blame the world for their failures. We live in a new generation of “entitlement.” Would you agree?
Look around you. Do you see kids working 3 jobs to have “pocket money” like the older generations did…or do you see them playing video games looking for a handout?
I think you get my point.
The same goes with building any type of online business, or for anything else.
There’s no way to sugar coat it. You may be your own worst enemy. You are the only one who is standing in the way of your goals and your success.
If you want something you have to work hard for it. Not a half effort either, I mean you need to really work your butt off!
You need to make sacrifices and push through even when things get messy and complicated. You need to keep going when everything in you is telling you to give up because that’s the only way you’ll ever amount to anything great.
It’s understandable that some folks will lose their positive attitude because of negative events. RISE ABOVE.
What happens to us isn’t always our fault…but we can control how we react.
I failed many, many times before I saw success. The difference was my mindset. Ask anyone who has ever struggled with anything in life how they got through it.
“Was it sitting on the couch and wallowing in self pity?”
I doubt it. They brushed themselves off, took another look, tried again and succeeded.
I’m sharing this with you from experience…my life wasn’t always a bowl of cherries. It still isn’t. I have to work on myself ever day.
Once I stopped blaming other people for my bad fortune… my life took a huge turn for the better.
I remember back in 2009 when I was struggling online, my mentor Ray Higdon told me…”Anne, you need to work harder on yourself than you do on your business.”
Nobody had ever cared enough to tell me the truth. It was a “hard truth” but it worked. I was ashamed of how I had let my poor attitude suck my bank account dry.
So, I really hope 2017 is a tremendous year for you. If there is anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Also, today is the absolute last day to get any of My Courses at the 60% discount. (only $37). They have been on sale since Black Friday and at Midnight tonight they all go back to the regular price. ($97)
One of the courses is Mindset Mastery which may just be the ticket you need to help change the course of your business. I’ll leave it up to you to decide.
Blessings & Abundance,
Anne Theriault
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