I’m not a financial planner, an accountant, nor am I an expert on economics. So why should you listen to me? You don’t have to, but chances are you and I have a lot in common. Are you being strangled by taxes? Are you getting tired of more than half of your wages being pulled from your paycheck in one form or another?
I’m just a farm girl born and raised in Northern Maine. After I graduated from High School, I continued my education at The University of Maine and received my Bachelor’s degree in Medical Technology. For 18 years, I worked at the local Medical Center, punching a clock, trading dollars for hours. I had a Job. It paid the bills and things were pretty good.
One day in 2006 I had what Oprah likes to call an “Aha moment.” A moment of clarity and wisdom that hits you from out of nowhere. A defining moment that causes you to change the way you look at things, and the way you are living your life.
My “Aha moment” came in through the back door, so to speak. A close friend of mine was working from home and she said one thing to me that to this day I will never forget. I had asked her why she chose to work from home instead of getting a “real job” like I had. This was her answer…
“When you have a job, you pay the government First, and if there is anything leftover, you get to pay your bills. When you own a home based business, you pay your bills First, if there is anything left…you pay the government.”
Let that sink in.
Suddenly things became very clear. Every single day for 18 years, I had basically been throwing $20 out the window, by not taking advantage of tax breaks provided by the government, by owning my own business. My aha moment hit me like a ton of bricks…and I made the changes necessary to stop feeding Uncle Sam the hard earned money that would eventually become rightfully mine.
According to Dr. Ron Mueller (America’s leading expert on home business tax law), home based business owners actually qualify for more tax deductions than any other category of taxpayer in America. Whether you are a full time home based business owner, or you chose to build a home based business on a part time basis, your taxes will be slashed…compliments of Uncle Sam. You can write off amenities such as utilities, cell phone charges, tools, training materials, fuel, internet, part of your mortgage and property tax, air travel and vacations and even food.
It’s your right and it’s the law.
Now I’m not trying to convince anyone to quit their job because a lot of folks really love their jobs and they are good at it. I’m only trying to educate you and perhaps give you that “aha moment” my friend gave me back in 2006 that literally changed my life…personally, professionally and financially.
If you’re looking to begin saving money and are ready to stop lining Uncle Sam’s pockets, you may want to consider all the tax advantages of building a business from home. This could involve creating your own products, trading, or any other type of business you do working from home.
Many folks start on a very part time basis and continue with their regular job. Home based businesses have a very low start up cost. For the price of an iPad or an iPhone…you can own your own business and start hitting Uncle Sam where he’s been hitting you all these years…
Right in the wallet.
Blessings & Abundance,
Anne Theriault
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