I remember waking up to a screaming alarm clock at the crack of dawn reminding me it was time to go to a job I hated. It was a daily reminder to me, that my life really stunk. I also knew if I wanted things to change for me, I needed to change the way I was thinking about my future.
I was at the point in my life where I was so unhappy, I couldn’t even stand to look at myself in the mirror. I was emotionally drained.
In this video, I share with you how I was able to change my life and turn things around. It wasn’t always easy, but it was definitely worth it. I failed many times, became discouraged, made tons of sacrifices… but never lost my vision.
Think of crafting your life vision as mapping a path to your personal and professional dreams. Don’t expect a clear and well-defined vision overnight—envisioning your life and determining the course you will follow requires time, and reflection. You need to cultivate vision and perspective, and you also need to apply logic.
This isn’t voodoo, or anything magical. It’s the way The Universe responds to us when we shift our energy towards a more positive way of thinking and take action to make the changes necessary to support that vision.
Blessings & Abundance,
Anne Theriault
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