~ What I Say When Folks Ask Me To Pay For Their “Buy In” To A Business ~

the-value-of-money Every once in a while I get an e-mail or private message on Facebook and the person asks me “if I can pay for their buy in to a certain business.” I used to just ignore these messages, but recently I finally decided to respond.


In this brief video, I share with you what I tell these folks when they ask me to Pay for their business.


Hearing things from people like “it’s not fair,” “I’m so broke”…only makes you a victim of your circumstances. Get off your duff and do something about it. There’s plenty of abundance to go around. You just need to open your eyes, wake up and take action!

Abundance is your birthright. Stop playing the victim, as the Universe does not help those who don’t help themselves.



Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault

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How I Changed My Life When It Really, Really, Really STUNK

anne theriault   I remember waking up to a screaming alarm clock at the crack of dawn reminding me it was time to go to a job I hated. It was a daily reminder to me, that my life really stunk. I also knew if I wanted things to change for me, I needed to change the way I was thinking about my future.

I was at the point in my life where I was so unhappy, I couldn’t even stand to look at myself in the mirror. I was emotionally drained.

In this video, I share with you how I was able to change my life and turn things around. It wasn’t always easy, but it was definitely worth it. I failed many times, became discouraged, made tons of sacrifices… but never lost my vision.



Think of crafting your life vision as mapping a path to your personal and professional dreams. Don’t expect a clear and well-defined vision overnight—envisioning your life and determining the course you will follow requires time, and reflection. You need to cultivate vision and perspective, and you also need to apply logic.

This isn’t voodoo, or anything magical. It’s the way The Universe responds to us when we shift our energy towards a more positive way of thinking and take action to make the changes necessary to support that vision.

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault
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Work Less & Make More Money ~ Understanding The Cash Flow Quadrant

the cash flow quadrant   With lean financial times, you must change the rules on how you manage, think about, and make money. You can no longer blindly accept the idea that your job is secure & that your hard work will be rewarded.

People all over the world are looking for different and additional ways to draw income simply in order to make ends meet. There are actually 4 different methods on how people generate income . I have been part of and experienced all 4 of these ways.

These concepts will open your eyes to new ideas and perhaps you will begin to ask yourself the simple question

“What is more important to me? Job Security OR Financial  and Time Freedom?”






Understanding where and how income flows opened my eyes and presented me with opportunities that have blessed me time and time again. For 18 years, I traded hours for dollars as I worked as a medical professional at the local hospital. I also spent 5 years running a landscaping business and spent many sleepless nights worrying about how the economy was going to affect my income.

When I shifted to the Home Based Business area, the income was good, but it was always directly proportional to the efforts of my team members.

Trading has completely changed the income game for me. I have more time freedom and more financial freedom, as well as being able to help my family…which to me is what truly makes a person “Rich.”

There are ways of being responsible and creating money, other than physically working for it. -Robert Kiyosaki

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault
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Setting Intention To Attract The Life You Desire And Deserve


       2014-12-31-meem2Every morning as soon as I wake up, I set my intention for the day. It’s like writing a prescription to the Universe. I tell the Universe “Today is going to be amazing, and I am grateful for your guidance.”

Everyone, everywhere… faces challenges in their lifetime, in one form or another. How we deal with, or react to those challenges can be different for everyone. I do believe, and I have learned, that dwelling on what we DO want, as opposed to what we currently have or DON’T want… makes an incredible difference in the end result.

I am a powerful believer in the Law of Attraction and how thoughts dictate our situations and the direction our lives take us. My life would not be so abundantly blessed and incredible, if I had not followed my instincts or my “gut” to lead me to the amazing place I am today.

Focusing On What You Do Want

Crafting what you want through visualization is the first step and is SO very important. No matter how dark your days are and how discouraged you’ve become, whether it be with finances, relationships, or your spirit. ALWAYS visualize what you DO want your life to be. Never allow your circumstances to influence or dictate your thoughts or your actions… no matter how dire or dismal they may be.

Constantly saying “I’m broke,” will continuously take you down the path of being broke.

Thinking “I’ll never be a success” will sabotage you, and discourage you from taking the actions necessary to become successful.

Instead of thinking of your current situation, start saying “Thank you for my Abundance.” I am so grateful for my Success.”

Believe it or not… The Universe will respond accordingly.

Set Your Intention Of Where You DO Want Your Life To Go

“Attention Goes Where Energy Flows”

Stop focusing on what you don’t want in your life, and replace it with the thoughts and things you DO want to have in your life… and the direction you want it to take. All too often we focus on what others have, their success, etc. STOP focusing on what you are lacking. Instead, fill and channel your thoughts with what you DO want in your life.

Your Brain Is Like A Muscle

Training yourself to think in a positive manner is like training a muscle. It takes hard work, perseverance, patience and practice. That muscle becomes stronger. It becomes resistant to weakness. Eventually, the thoughts of what you DON’T want, are replaced with the thoughts of what you truly desire and crave.

Consistent and constant diligent thinking of what you DO want, eventually trains your brain to continuously craft the proper thoughts to reach the vision you have created for your life.

You can create incantations or affirmations to “train your brain” to think differently. It will eventually override that default of mediocrity that is sabotaging your thoughts and the lifestyle you want and deserve.

You CAN have everything you want and EVERYTHING you desire, for yourself and for your family, by channeling your energy to it’s rightful place.

If you do not have the level of abundance, the level of relationships, the level of happiness in your life… it’s NOT because of your childhood, the economy or any other outside influence.

It’s the way you think, the direction of your energy, and the actions you take on a daily basis.

Self chatter and negative thoughts are, and will always be your worst enemy… if you allow them to be.

Your mind is SO very POWERFUL, and can take you places you never dreamed possible.

Train it, hold onto your visions and watch as The Universe unfolds and respond accordingly.

When you live your life with abundant thoughts, gratitude and purpose, you will find fulfillment, prosperity, and happiness in every area of your life. You will recognize there is an overflow of true blessings which you can freely share with others… to inspire them ~

My wish for you is to be that person – They World is waiting for you…

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault

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The Difference Between An Amateur Trader & A Professional Trader

practice_trading Every day I get messages from folks saying they are in need of help because they continue to lose money trading binary options. Trading binary options is a real business and should be treated as so. If you trade on emotion, or dive into trading without practicing on demo or being properly educated, you will lose money. Guaranteed.

In this quick video, I explain the difference between an amateur trader, and a professional trader.



Simply follow the 3 P’s.

  1. Practice
  2. Patience
  3. Persistence

Surveys show that 9 out of 10 traders believe their chances of winning are “above average” yet more than 80% of them actually lose money. Proper education, practice, focus and self discipline are going to be key in helping you become a professional binary options trader.

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault


Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]

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For additional binary options trading help, you can check out my binary trading courses here.

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