Home based business owners qualify for more tax breaks than do taxpayers in any other category in America. Any part time business can provide tax savings when you operate the business from your home. It is easy to meet the government requirements for the tax breaks, and average taxpayers can save between $300 and $500 a month when they understand how to take advantage of the deductions.
Congress determined that the American economy benefits when more people have home based businesses to rely on if their main sources of income fail. In light of that, Congress passed some tax deductions expressly designed to give home based business owners tax breaks and encourage more people to have reliable sources of income in case they lose their full-time jobs.
When you have a home business, you can change the amount withheld from your regular wages and take home about $100 extra every week. Even if you never make any money with your part time business, the tax savings you get from the extra tax deductions can be worth about $6000 a year.
When you are aware of that, you realize that it actually costs you money if you do not have a home based business.
Blessings & Abundance,
Anne Theriault
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