Category Archives: Personal Growth

Letting Go…Allow The Universe To Do Its Work For You

LettingGo    Most people in our culture have been “cut off” from their awareness of who they really are. We have temporarily lost our conscious connection with our higher selves and thus have lost our own sense of power and responsibility for our lives.

In some inner way, we have a sense of helplessness. We feel powerless to make real changes in our lives and in the world. This inner power of powerlessness, causes us to overcompensate by striving and struggling to have some degree of power or control in our world.

In this his brief video, I explain how to “let go” and allow the Universe to do its work for you.



Allow yourself to open up spiritually, stop struggling and let go of things you cannot control. It is a very freeing experience. You will come to realize that life can be good, abundant and fun, and that having what you truly want without struggle and strain is part of your natural birthright.


Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault


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Your Persistence Will Reward You If You Push Through The Pain

VID PIC     August 2, 2006 was a very exciting and extremely special day for me. This was the day I officially retired from Corporate America. I was 40 years young, and had decided I had had enough. I knew I was no longer living my true passion.

After 18 years as a Medical Technologist, I decided to venture out on my own.

It wasn’t without pain and struggle that I was able to reach the incredible place I am today. In this quick video, I share my thoughts on how YOU CAN achieve anything you want and live the lifestyle of your choosing.


Even when you feel like you have nothing left to give. Drawing from inner strength and allowing the Universe to guide you is the ultimate gift we can give to ourselves.


Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault


Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]

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Mindset Trick on Conquering Fear

how to conquer fear   How many times have you backed out of something you really wanted due to fear?

To ask for a raise, to change career paths, to speak in public, or to jump off a high dive at the swimming pool…

Fear can be one of the most destructive emotions we can be involved in.

Being fearful is normal. Allowing fear to halt you from growing and evolving into the person or lifestyle “you wish for”… is not normal.

In this brief video, I share with you a mental trick I have used over and over again in my life to escape the clutches of fear, allowing me to continuously grow and move in a forward direction.



You have to outsmart your brain.  Retrain your brain to get past the momentary fear and push yourself toward the payoff.

Continuously strive to Value Courage Over Security, instead of continuously clinging to the things that make you feel “safe.”




Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault


Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]

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Do Your Challenges Make You Stronger… Or Make You Struggle?

    There is no universal code that says you must struggle through your life.

As a human being, challenges are inevitable. But you don’t have to experience struggle. The energy of challenge is totally different from the energy of struggle.

In this quick video, I share a bit of my story and how things that I believed were setbacks, were truly setting me up to become a more compassionate and courageous person.



The one thing that will define you, is when you do face a setback or challenge in your life…will you…

Roll over in bed and breakdown?


Roll out of bed and breakthrough?

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault


Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]

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Work Ethic & Business Integrity ~ Is It Hurting You Or Helping You?

persuasion-tool     ~ I share a quick story with you on how the business integrity and work ethic you practice in your job or career today…can have a significant affect on future jobs or business endeavors. ~


Essentially, your business ethic and integrity you practice today…has the ability to be your business card of tomorrow.


Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault


Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail: [email protected]

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