Category Archives: Personal Growth

Why Most People Cannot Keep a New Year’s Resolution

With a new year upon us, folks everywhere are making all sorts of “New Year’s Resolutions”  or “Wish Lists.”Subconsciously, we all see the new calendar and think of January 1st every year as a Fresh Start or a New Beginning.

Why can’t EVERY day be a fresh start?

It’s a well known fact that by the 15th of January…folks who haven’t made any progress with their resolutions have quit altogether.

So how do you break the cycle of broken resolutions? What’s the alternative?

Perhaps the resolutions you are choosing are “PUSHING” you….as opposed to “PULLING” you.

Let me explain.


Have you resolved to go to the gym every day, but when you think about going, you dread it and you find an excuse not to?

Have you resolved to give up sugar but whenever you see cheesecake you just have to have it?

These are examples of resolutions that are “PUSHING” you to do something. Push requires willpower and willpower never lasts.

What you need is something that will PULL you. Something that gets you so excited you cannot sleep. This is something that becomes a part of your every day practice. It’s your passion…it becomes part of your essence.

It has to be something so compelling that you know it’s going to be a gift when it happens. You also have to have strong enough reasons to continue and follow through when the going gets tough.

It becomes part of your every day focus & vision. Perhaps not as easy to accomplish, but once you gain momentum and make progress you are more likely to stick with it.

Is it to quit your job and finally have an alternative income that allows you more time freedom with your family?

Let me give you an example of what happened to me a few times.

As many of you know, I have been making a full time income online since 2009. In those first few years when I may have slacked off, money became scarce. Working from home can make you complacent, as you don’t have a boss watching over you constantly. You need to be self motivated.

The thought of going back to a “real job,” punching a clock, and having a boss analyzing my every move scared me more than anything I could ever imagine. Just the thought of waking up to an alarm clock put me into a panic. I immediately put things back into HIGH GEAR and crushed my online business.

These are the resolutions you need to be making. Make a resolution with such a clear vision it wakes you up in the middle of the night, eager for daylight so you can get right to work on whatever it is you hunger for.

So find something that PULLS you, create a vision, believe in yourself take action, see results, review it every day and I guarantee the cycle of “Broken” New Year’s Resolutions will cease to exist.

P..S. I have been receiving so many messages from folks saying “they missed” the Black Friday
discount on my courses. I have added a coupon code and reserved only 10 copies of each. If
you missed the deal, you can enter coupon code 2017 at checkout and save $30 off each
course. Remember, there only 10 of each at this discount, so they will go fast.
If I can help you with anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault

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Cleaning Up the Negativity in Your Life


As a solo entrepreneur, you need all of the positive mindset you can get. When self doubt and negativity creeps in, it can cause you to panic and reverse course – stopping you from ever achieving your dreams.


Seeds of negativity are constantly being sewn in your life, and it’s up to you to spot and weed them out as soon as they take root. If you leave these influences to flourish, it will someday feel out of control and you won’t know how to get back to a place that’s manageable.


Eliminating Inner Negative Self Talk


Aside from all of the outside influences, which we’ll discuss in a moment, one of the biggest negative factors stems from your own mindset. You’re trashing your decisions and never giving yourself a chance to succeed.


Part of why we do this is self preservation. We want to be smart about everything. If we predict failure, and it comes true – then we’re insightful and it won’t sting as much as if we had falsely pinned our hopes on success.


You might say things like, “No one will want to listen to me in this niche – look at all the other experts out there who are much better than me!” Or you might start to make a video blog and see yourself in the camera and turn it right off, picking on yourself for being too fat, too old, or not handsome or pretty enough.


You might just lightly criticize yourself, doubting your decisions on which niche to choose or what kind of business model you want to implement. And every time something goes awry (as it does for all marketers), you beat yourself up brutally, calling yourself stupid.


Sometimes your negativity is with other people. There are thousands of people working toward online success who do nothing but blame others for their failures. Everyone “scams” them.


They tell themselves nothing works. Other marketers are liars. Basically, they’re saying these negative things because they couldn’t get it to work, so instead of shouldering the blame and working out any issues – it’s easier if they just say it’s someone else’s fault.


The first thing you have to do is be honest about how negative you are. Start to recognize if you call yourself names (or other marketers). Then correct yourself in mid-sentence.


If you say, “Ugh! I’m so stupid for not realizing that,” stop and say, “Actually, I’m learning and giving it everything I’ve got, so I’m still proud of myself for trying, even if I made an error this time.”


You have to replace the negative with the positive. You can’t just stop saying the negative – you want to put yourself on the path to success and productivity. Practice positive affirmations if you want to – but don’t copy any from the Internet. Make up your own so that your affirmation sounds like something you’d say.


Dealing with Negative Family Members


Once you get your own mind sorted out, you’ll be dealing with those closest to you. Family members can wreak havoc on your success just by being negative about your efforts – or about life in general.


It’s hard to wake up positive and motivated every day when you’re around someone who drags you down in life. It’s worse when they direct their negativity toward you. So as an entrepreneur, you’ll hear a lot of that.


You spouse might say, “You still haven’t made any money yet?” Your in-laws (or even your own parents might say, “When are you going to get a real job?” You might have aunts, uncles, and cousins who chime in to make fun of your journey if you happen to share it with them.


It hurts to not be fully supported – especially by loved ones who should be the very people cheering you on. There’s nothing that can stop that pain, but you can decide whether or not you’ll put up with it and let it affect your progress.


Keep in mind that negativity often isn’t about you. The person can be a miserable man or woman in general – always complaining about the weather, their job, the traffic, and so on.


Even these little irritations can sabotage you with work because you’re constantly trying to make them feel more positive and cheer them up. It’s very toxic being around negative people on a regular basis.


Why do your loved ones act negatively toward your dreams? Well, some of them honestly think they’re trying to help. They assume your pursuit of an online income is ridiculous (because they don’t understand it), so they try to save you from yourself.


Others are just the kind of people who aren’t happy unless someone else is the target of their misgivings. With these people, you can either limit your time with them, or learn how to deflect the criticism – and that includes keeping your entire journey to yourself.


If they ask what it is you’re doing for a job, you tell them you’re studying a new career and you’ll let them know when you make a firm decision. Or just smile coyly and let them keep wondering.


Really, it’s not anyone else’s business what you’re doing. It’s your decision. You need to take back control of what’s shared and what’s available to the public for the gossip mill. A corporation would never disclose all of their pursuits, and you don’t have to, either!


Handling Negative Friendships


Friendships are very treasured to many people – like a second family of sorts. But friends can also be casual acquaintances. Either way, you’re likely going to encounter well-meaning (or not) friends who disparage what you’re doing.


Again, it’s not always about you. Sometimes these friends are just negative, miserable people. They call you up to unload their problems on you. That’s fine, until it becomes something that puts you in a sour mindset.


Other times, what they say does have to do with you. They might tell you that it’s ridiculous to waste time with online work – that they heard it was all a scam. Again, this is simple ignorance.


Why do people who are supposed to have your back try to cripple your progress? Sometimes, like your family, they mean well – and they think they’re saving you from making a big mistake.


Other times, it’s a jealousy issue with friends. Maybe they hate their job and they wish they could do what it is you’re doing. Maybe they feel more qualified than you, and wish they had the guts to pursue an online income.


So what comes out of their mouths isn’t supportive and well-meaning. It’s a cheap shot, aimed at defeating your mindset so that you’ll get on par with everyone else and they won’t have to feel bad about their own decisions.


You have to set firm boundaries with people – whether they’re minor acquaintances or long-time friends. Let them know that you’re proud of what it is that you’re doing and if they can’t be supportive, then the issue will be off the table for further discussions.


Don’t try to explain every element on being an online entrepreneur to someone who puts it down. They won’t understand because they don’t want to. You’ll be wasting your time and end up frustrated.


Instead, set boundaries, and if they continue invading your space about the issue, make a decision about whether or not you need to have this person staying in your life any longer.


Weeding Out Your Negative Network


You may think that as long as you keep yourself and those closest to you in real life, you’ll be well on your way to a positive mindset. Unfortunately, as solo entrepreneurs, we often rely on our online support network to achieve success.


Your network can consist of customers, affiliates and joint venture partners. Everywhere you turn, you’ll be inundated with people who like to harp on what’s wrong, instead of what’s right.


Even friends you make online – who you’ve never met in person – can drain you if you let them. Take time to analyze who you’re surrounding yourself with. You want to be positioned with people who have the same positive career goals as yourself.


Check out people’s Facebook page, their Twitter and blog. Do you see a pattern of rants and whining – complaints and just the tendency to put a damper on everyone’s good mood on a regular basis?


There are people like this who just spend all day mired in what’s wrong, rather than focusing on what could be right. Sometimes, if you’re not careful, it can rub off on you and you’ll notice yourself agreeing with them.


Others will buy one shiny new object after another, and because they don’t fully implement a product or course, repeatedly fail. They won’t chalk it up to personal responsibility, though.


It will be the fault of the seller. You don’t want to attach yourself to people like this who suck the life out of every day from the moment you log online. You don’t have to be surrounded by people who are nothing but positive, either – but being one sided is never okay.


Replace all of those Negative Nellies with positive influences. You can unfollow someone on Facebook, and yet still remain their friend. They’ll never know, so no feelings will be hurt, and you’ll set yourself free from the sadness and anger they like to spew about how they feel mistreated.


You have to be especially careful when you try motivating others. Some people make it a goal to prove you wrong. So if you’re cheerful and positive, they’ll make it their mission to make you see their truth.


Others will latch onto you and, since they’re drowning in a bad attitude, use every drop of positivity you have to offer just to keep their head above water. Never-mind the fact that they’re pulling you under with them.


Make Positivity Your New Mantra


As you begin weeding out all of this negative influence – in real life and online – you have to replace it with something that will benefit you. The first thing you want to do is make positivity a way of life for you.


That means in your parenting, in your relationship, in your finances, in your fitness – everywhere. Not just business. If you try to only stay positive in your career, it will be hard to stay afloat because the rest of your world feels like it’s crumbling.


Make sure you regularly weed out the toxic influences in your life. When you stay aware of how other people affect your own mindset, you can then make a plan of action on how to handle them.


Will they simply be tuned out whenever you encounter them? Will you set boundaries and keep them at arm’s length? Or is the influence so troubling that it’s in your best interest to close the door on that interaction completely?


Aside from stopping yourself from saying negative things and replacing them with good thoughts, work on other ways to continually let go of negativity and find the silver lining in every moment.


You might make a gratitude journal and keep it until you begin automatically noticing what’s good more than you do what’s bad. Some journals have uplifting quotes or sayings in them to help you start (or end) your day on the right foot.


Put the focus of each day on helping others. When you work on being positive with other people, it helps you feel good on regular basis. Reach out to others and help them  whenever possible.


Do things that promote positive energy, like laughing. Watch comedies instead of dark horror or dramas. Turn off the news. It can be depressing and make you feel like everything’s going wrong, all of the time.


Engage in meditation, yoga, guided visual imagery or other practices that can deliver peace and calm to your day and quiet the chaos that comes from hearing everyone panicked and angry.


Cleaning up the negativity in your life will be an on-going process that doesn’t happen overnight. But once you’re able to spot people who aren’t good for you, you’ll begin to see that you achieve more and enjoy your career more than ever before.

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault

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How To Achieve Your Greatest Desire In 2017

With the New Year Just a few days away, people everywhere are thinking of changes or resolutions they want to make their lives better in 2017.

As the year comes to a close, I wanted to share a personal story with you, in the hopes that it may help you achieve your greatest desire in 2017.

FIRST, You need to understand and identify your Core Desire.

What is a core desire?

Core Desires are those things you want with all your heart. They are deep, intense, and powerful longings. They are persistent, ever- demanding, heartfelt hungers or yearnings that pierce you to the very core. One easy way to identify them is that they are always tied to a very strong emotion in your heart.

In 2006 I discovered my core desire in the simplest way possible. I simply looked in the mirror one day and it was staring me in the face.

It’s called…Pain.

Pain that is so great you are willing to do or sacrifice anything that will alleviate the agony. Although I had a good career as a medical professional, there was an intense and painful burning in my soul when I got up every morning to go to work.

I wanted more for myself. There was something missing. I wanted to be able to make a difference, to be free of the frustration that came with punching a time clock.

August 1st, 2006 I took a leap of faith and walked away from my 18 career without a plan. I was finally free and my heart was happy again. That was a very good day.

I was reconnected with one of my dearest High School friends shortly after. As we enjoyed each others company over a 3 hour lunch, she asked me a question that took me back to a place that psychologically, I have avoided to revisit.

She said “Anne, what made you decide to leave your career at the hospital and start your own business?”

Truth be told, I left for countless reasons. If I were asked to pin down the deciding factor, it would be that I didn’t like the person I had allowed myself to become. I couldn’t stand to look at myself in the mirror every day, knowing I had permitted myself to get to such a point.

Along with the tremendous support of my family, and a very special person who entered my life at that tumultuous time, I gained the courage to leave my job, and make the necessary changes, which commenced the amazing journey of taking me to the place I am today. I had people who believed in me…even when I didn’t believe in myself.

“What you get by reaching your goals, is not nearly as important as the person you become by reaching them.” ~ Zig Ziglar

But…this post is not about me…it’s about you. It’s about helping you determine if what you aspire for yourself and for your future, supersedes any obstacles you will encounter on your journey.

First you must ask yourself these 5 simple words…”What Is My Core Desire?”

Is it to Retire at an early age?

Maybe you want to see all that our beautiful World has to offer…

Perhaps you’re waiting for the day you can “Fire Your Boss.”

Is it that you never again, want to be revolted by the person looking back at you in the mirror every day?

Whatever your Core desire is, it will be your #1 reason to succeed. Your Core desire will be the reason you fly out of bed in the morning, not wanting to waste another minute of a brand new day. Your daily decisions will be based on your Core desire. Your Core desire will consume every part of who you are, and what you become.

I took many chances and sacrificed more things than I allow myself to admit. I traveled, or I didn’t travel, I dated or I didn’t date…based on my Core desire. I made decisions such as selling personal possessions in order to invest in myself, with things such as self-education, and books on personal growth. I discarded lifelong friendships whose only contribution to my life at that point had been a daily dose of their negative energy. My Core desire dominated my life with a sense of urgency. My focus and energy became so intense, it dominated my every thought and my every action.

My Core desire won out over everything else…and made the difference between success and failure.

So if you have any doubts and are still wondering if you have what it takes to reach your Core desire, just ask yourself if you are willing to sacrifice, or not to sacrifice, to change, or not to change those stable, cozy and comfortable aspects of your everyday life.

And if you need someone to believe in you, I believe in you…

There isn’t any doubt, that each and every one of us possesses a Core desire. The doubt lies in whether we are willing to change our lives and ourselves… to attain them.

You are a unique and amazing person my friend. You are blessed with many talents and gifts to share with the world.

My wish for you is to be that person – The World is waiting for your greatness. 🙂

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault

Please share this post on Facebook if you got value and think it would help someone.

P.S. The 60% discounted price on my online courses is only available for just a few more days. Don’t risk waiting any longer.  The special offer, and the low-pricing ends soon.  Check them out here

Please reach out to me with any questions: E-mail:

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How To Make Motivation Your Steering Wheel

cfd6f6475e1115e763f8e14661f0ccc7  I remember the day in 2006 I decided to leave my 18 year career to pave my own way. I was intensely miserable in my job and my life really stunk.

I felt like my back was up against a wall. If I didn’t make a change…nothing would change.

Pain may sometimes be the reason why people change. Getting flunked grades make us realize that we need to study. Debts remind us we perhaps need to look for a second source of income. Being humiliated gives us the ‘push’ to speak up and fight for ourselves to save our face from the next embarrassments.

It may be a bitter experience, a friend’s tragic story, a great movie, or an inspiring book that will help us get up and get just the right amount of motivation we need in order to improve ourselves.

With the countless negativity the world sometimes brings about, how do we keep motivated?

Try on the tips I prepared from A to Z…

A – Achieve your dreams. Avoid negative people, things and places. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

B – Believe in yourself, and in what you can do.

C – Consider things on every angle and aspect. Motivation comes from determination. To be able to understand life, you should feel the sun from both sides.

D – Don’t give up and don’t give in. Thomas Edison failed once, twice, more than thrice before he came up with his invention and perfected the incandescent light bulb. Make motivation as your steering wheel.

E – Enjoy. Work as if you don’t need money. Dance as if nobody’s watching. Love as if you never cried. Learn as if you’ll live forever. Motivation takes place when people are happy.

F – Family and Friends – are life’s greatest treasures. Don’t loose sight of them.

G – Give more than what is enough. Where does motivation and self improvement take place at work? At home? At school? Exert extra effort in doing things.

H – Hang on to your dreams. They may dangle in there for a moment, but these little stars will be your driving force.

I – Ignore those who try to destroy you. Don’t let other people to get the best of you. Stay away from toxic people – the kind of friends who hate to hear about your success.

J – Just be yourself. The key to success is to be yourself. And the key to failure is to try to please everyone.

K – keep trying no matter how hard life may seem. When a person is motivated, eventually he sees a harsh life finally clearing out, paving the way to self improvement.
L – Learn to love your self.

M – Make things happen. Motivation is when your dreams are put into work clothes.

N – Never lie, cheat or steal. Always play a fair game.

O – Open your eyes. People should learn the horse attitude and horse sense. Some people see things in 2 ways – how they want things to be, and how they should be.

P – Practice makes perfect. Practice is about motivation. It lets us learn repertoire and ways on how we can recover from our mistakes.

Q – Quitters never win. And winners never quit. So, choose your fate – are you going to be a quitter? Or a winner?

R – Ready yourself. Motivation is also about preparation. We must hear the little voice within us telling us to get started before others will get on their feet and try to push us around. Remember, it wasn’t raining when Noah build the ark.

S – Stop procrastinating.

T – Take control of your life. Discipline or self control jives synonymous with motivation. Both are key factors in self improvement.

U – Understand others. If you know how to talk well, you should also learn how to listen well. Yearn to understand first, and to be understood second.

V – Visualize it. Motivation without vision is like a boat on a dry land.

W – Want it more than anything. Dreaming means believing. And to believe is something that is rooted out from the roots of motivation and self improvement.

X – X Factor is what will make you different from the others. When you are motivated, you tend to put on “extras” into your life like extra time for family, extra help at work, extra care for friends, and so on.

Y – You are unique. No one in this world looks, acts, or talks like you. Value your life and existence, because you’re just going to live it once.

Z – Zero in on your dreams and reach for the stars!

Life really is just magical if you set your sights on a goal and work to achieve it

Hope this helped you. If you think someone could use these tips to help motivation, please share on Facebook or your favorite social network.

Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault

Please share this post on Facebook if you got value and think it would help someone.

If you need help on changing your mindset, which will certainly keep you motivated…my Mindset Mastery Course may be the answer you are looking for. It’s already helped many folks change their mindset which is the key to determining success.

It’s also on sale for a limited time. Check it out here

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Tips To Help When Your Self Confidence Needs A Boost

choose-to-be-happyRemember when you were so confident of having done something then someone commented on how bad things went?

Self-confidence goes hand and hand with positive thinking. If you think positively of yourself and take stock of all positive attributes you have, your confidence will grow and you will soon begin to realize you can actually do and can make things happen.

Positive thinking is not being overly hopeful of something that is unachievable. Central to boosting self-confidence and positive thinking is the setting of realistic goals that you can reach for while not delimiting your capacities.

Normally when we set out to do something we tend to over calculate things and plan to achieve things beyond our present reach. This, we say, would encourage us to work double time. The point we are missing is that once we fail our expectations and the expectations of the crowd that is watching us, we will be discouraged to try things again.

You see, on our initial tries it is not bad if we would set achievable goals rather than confidence, boosting-unrealistic goals that would leave us dismayed.

When you really need to feel good about yourself, remember that self-confidence is largely controlled by the hormonal balance in our body. Thus, you can alter your mood by stimulating yourself to do so. Say, if you have this vivid memory of having been able to achieve something or you once had “cheerleaders” who pushed you to achieving greater things, you can surely use them to manipulate your emotions. If not, then remember the moments when you really felt happy about yourself. Controlling the reins of your moods and emotions can contribute to your overall confidence.

At one point of our lives, we all have been our own critics. Undue criticisms don’t only make us vulnerable to negative thoughts, they also affect our overall personal perspectives.

Have you noticed how we criticize ourselves without even realizing that we can’t utter those very things to other people? We are harsher to ourselves than we can imagine. Thus, with every negative input we receive from this critic, we are left upset and our confidence was diminished. It is like tearing the walls that we have built for long in exchange for a few unjust remarks that we rarely need.

Avoid using over-generalization about yourself because these are the very things that would eventually strip you off your good self-image. Recreating the comments you give to yourself will have a huge impact on your self-confidence.

In the end, destruction comes from within us. Other people may argue that we are affected by external pessimism. True, yet this would only affect us once we allow entry towards ourselves. Thus, you only have to create barriers from negative inputs while strengthening your underlying foundations.

Choose Optimism!

It all lies in our positive perception of our personality, the events occurring around us and life itself. So long as we believe in the goodness that we may have in life, we are bound to enjoy it the way every person should.

Unfortunately, many of us cannot grasp optimism from a life that is muddled with misery, self-doubt, and struggle. Of course, life’s pleasure would not be appreciated if it were not equaled with unhappiness. Pain can’t be felt if all we know is joy. Tears would lose its worth if we always experience happiness.

Confidence would not be recognized if we do not fall flat on our face sometimes.

Life is a gratifying privilege and we can make everything we want from it. We have to start early in building our foundations so that we won’t have to loose precious moments that shall never pass by us again. A moment that’s gone is gone forever but your light won’t even lose its value long after you have gone.

With optimism in life, we would be able to recognize the fullness of our potentials. Everyone has an equal chance for recognition yet many of us fail to share with the limelight because we surrender even before the battle begun.

If you would want to share with what the world offers, you must be brave enough. Nothing should stop you from living your life, not even the miserable demons of low self-confidence.

Those who braved life are those who are confident enough of themselves. Sometimes, we just have to take risks so that we might discover what lies in our road. Taking risks though requires lots of faith in yourself. Without this, you would be like a warrior who has lost his armor.

From birth, we were equipped with all the skills that we will use in the later stages of our lives. One such skill is the ability to face challenges and to face them with faith in ourselves.

All of us has an equal chance to develop our sense of self, no matter our circumstances.

We normally have the common notion that life is unfair when in fact, it is not. We all have our shares of blessings and our shares of challenges. It just lies in our perception of things and the manner by which we handle things.

The same thing goes with self-confidence and self-esteem. Many of us think that the person we are looking up to shared much of life’s blessings because he can bear himself better, he can face the public better and he is much more eloquent and more confident than most of us. Remember that before he even got there, he has to face challenges that contributed to his self-esteem and self-confidence. All of us can be that person, only if we believe in ourselves enough.

We just have to find our own enlightenment to be able to achieve the building of good foundations for our self-esteem and self-confidence. Changes must come from within before we can accept the assistance that comes from outside. Realization of how valuable you are and how beautifully you were created cannot be helped by outside reinforcement if you, yourself do not want to accept this one truth.

Go on, help in the discovery of yourself and that is among the most wonderful adventures you will take in life.



Blessings & Abundance,

Anne Theriault

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** Many Folks asked me if I could extend my sale on my courses for a bit longer, so they will remain at the 60% discounted price until the end of the month. Check them out here **